As I write just hours after the blessing of the new moon here in the UK on 21st May 2012, somewhere else in the world our moon is being born anew.
The eclipse which accompanied the birth has been called a lunar ring of fire because that is how it appeared, and many who witnessed it, largely in Japan and parts of the US, were awed by its beauty and mystery as the moon, far, far from Earth, was overshadowed by the sun and the two celestial beings which are so influential on Earth walked together.
Annular eclipses occur regularly but this one was special, coming as it did exactly between the two great spiritual festivals of Wesak two weeks ago and that of the Christ, at the full moon to come. You can see how perfectly the moon's cycle correlates with events in the story of man as you look at the ring of fire around you - indeed, "firewalls" are being attempted everywhere to stop the unravelling of life as we have known it, but they will not stop the powerful combination of sun and moon together moving us forward to where we have chosen to go.
Rather than fighting the ring of fire, accept and embrace it as a gift from Spirit. For me, today, I take the fiery ring of sun and moon and place myself within it, choosing to be a part of it and not excluded from it. What better firewall can there be than the fire itself?
The implications of the transit of Venus on 6th June 2012 across the face of the Sun are much more significant for Planet Earth than is generally understood, and very important, for they are all about the acceleration of your spiritual journey and the completion of the Plan of God.
Venus, like Sirius, is a staging post for certain enlightened souls which return to Earth for a new human incarnation: just as some individuals are put through an intensive pre-training process before undertaking a new job, so too you may have spent time on the Rose Planet, learning about what love means before entering the heavy and self-centred world of matter. So, there is a connection with Earth already, but this Venus transit, more than any other so far, is taking the link to another level as its breath upon Earth enables the releasing of new spiritual energy and signals a change in the role of all the planets in our solar system, particularly ours, the Blue Planet.
Just as millions of us watched the Queen, the personification of the gift of constant giving, light the national beacon 24 hours earlier, so God, through Venus, has set fire to the touch-paper which leads to a new phase, a new future for us all, everywhere. You are being released to claim your human and planetary birthright, written in the stars in every sense, whereby our planet and your soul become the cosmic centre of communication and training based on the deepest aspects of love, in time replacing Venus in a startling reversal and enhancement of role.
Remember this as you see pictures of this transit of Venus, the dark circle highlighted upon the solar sea of fire which is, in truth, God's fingerprint. We have been blessed.
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